Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What does it mean to be poor?

Being poor in the United States is different than being poor in Malawi. People that are poor in the U.S. still have a roof over their head and food on the table. People that are poor in Malawi suffer to provide shelter or food for their families. In addition, poor people in Malawi are unable to receive healthcare for their families. It’s hard to identify a correct answer for being poor or a permanent solution to rise above poverty. If you are unable to provide shelter, food, or healthcare that could be considered as poor.

Why is Malawi poor?

Malawi has been said to be the second poorest country in the world. Malawi seems to suffer from a lack of human and economic development. With the changes in government power and limited amount of resources you can’t generate any sort of economic growth. If there are no jobs for the people then the government can’t tax the people. If the government were able to tax the people they could provide welfare or food stamps to the people. Malawi seems to be at a standstill because they are unable to generate any economic growth.